Socotra is famous for its endemic species found nowhere else on Earth. Many of the endemic fauna includes birds, reptiles, scorpions and spiders. Here are a few of the endemics that can be found on the island:
- ‘Dragon Blood Tree’ Dracaena Cinnabari– Family: Asparagaceae. The famous trees known for their unusual shape and blood red sap. An icon of Socotra.
- ‘Bottle Tree’ Adenium Obesium Socotranum– Family: Apocynaceae. Often described as looking like an elephant’s leg. Bottle trees are a type of desert rose and bloom pink flowers.
- ‘Cucumber Tree’ Dendrosicyos Socotranus– Family: Cucurbitaceae. The only member of the cucurbitaceae family that grows in tree form.
- ‘Socotra Frankincense’ Boswellia Socotrana– Family: Burseraceae. Socotra is home to several types of Frankincense, however this is the only endemic Frankincense tree.
- ‘Socotra Acacia’ Acacia Pennivenia– Family: Fabaceae. Found all throughout the island.
- ‘Socotra Pomegranate’ Punica Protopunica- Family: Lytheaceae. Bears pomegranates that are often to bitter for most people’s liking. The skins are usually crushed and then cooked down into a paste that is used to heal sores and wounds.
- ‘Socotrine Aloe’ Aloe perryi- Family: Asphodelaceae. A type of aloe vera with important pharmaceutical and medicinal properties.
Desert Rose blooms
- ‘Socotra Cisticola’ Cisticola Haesitatus
- ‘Socotra Sunbrid’ Nectarinia Balfouri
- ‘Socotra Starling’ Onychognathus Frater
- ‘Socotra Sparrow’ Passer Insularis
- ‘Socotra Warbler’ Incana Incana
- ‘Socotra Golden Winged Grosbeak’ Rhynchostruthus Socotranus
- ‘Socotran Chameleon’ Chamaeleo Monachus
- ‘Socotran Tarantula’ Monocentropus Balfouri
- ‘Socotran Butterfly’ Bicyclus Anynana