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The birdlife of the island is incredibly diverse, out of 320 bird species recorded on Socotra, 7 species are endemic to the island, (Socotra rock Banting), (Emberiza socotran), Socotra Cisticola (Cisticola haesitata), Socotra Sparrow or “SOCOTRA GRACKLE” (Onychognathus frater), Socotra Starling, Socotra Sunbird (Nectarinia balfouri), & Socotra Warbler (Incana).
And about 11 are endemic sub-species for instance, Socotra Buzzard (Buteo buteo ssp). As well as more than 45 species of birds breeding on the island such as Forbes-Watson’s Swift, Somali Starling, Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus), Palm Doves (Streptopelia senegalensis), etc.

The BirdLife International recognizes 22 Important Bird Areas on the Socotra archipelago as the key sites for conservation. Socotra Travel-tours will arrange a trained birdwatcher to accompany you to the birdwatching hotspots depending on the time of the year.

Favourite birdwatching areas on Socotra are west coast with cormorants, Ghoba around the meteor crater lake, hights of Dixam plateau, Qaryiah lagoon with flamingos, Arher and Suq with sea birds.
The birdlife provides a large number of migrant birds arrive to the island during winter and summer of which waders and other coastal birds make up a significant proportion like Greater Flamingoes (Phoenicopterus rubber), Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), Sooty-Gulls (Larus hemprichii), Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), etc. Unfortunately, there is not enough data in regard to the migrant species. For more information about Socotra birds see the book: Birds of the middle East-coming out in August 2010 written by Richard Porter and Simon
Do not forget to bring your bird watching equipment with you.

Thani Mohammed